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Update My Sustainer Payment Information

Thank you for donating to American Public Media and Marketplace! Use the form below to update your payment information. Or, make the switch to automatic withdrawal from your checking account. You’ll provide steady support, reduce paper, and eliminate credit/debit card processing fees. Make the switch here.

Your Information
Billing Information
New Credit Card Information

My authorization to withdraw my monthly gift from the account indicated shall remain in effect until I notify American Public Media and Marketplace that I wish to change it or end it, and American Public Media and Marketplace has ample time to act on my wishes. I understand if I choose Checking Account, my contribution will be processed on the next to last Thursday of the month, or the next business day. A record of each payment will appear on my monthly credit card or bank statement and will serve as my receipt. You must agree to these terms of agreement to continue.

Questions about your missed payments? Call us at 1-800-227-2811.
By clicking SUBMIT your credit card will be securely processed.